When I started writing in the 7th grade, my initial goal was to be traditionally published. Until I conducted research and realized how much control you DON'T have when it comes the publishing process. Like you, that's the main reason why I self-pubbed my two YA books. I don't plan to self-pub the short and steamies I'll be writing. At least, not right away.
When I started writing in the 7th grade, my initial goal was to be traditionally published. Until I conducted research and realized how much control you DON'T have when it comes the publishing process. Like you, that's the main reason why I self-pubbed my two YA books. I don't plan to self-pub the short and steamies I'll be writing. At least, not right away.
Let’s keep it rocking!
Happy Black Indie Author Day! You are very successful in my eyes!!! 🫶🏾