I meant to do a #SampleSunday yesterday and forgot twice. So… redux on Monday!
Grab this title and the rest of Books by DL White in eBook, print(while they last) and audio at Payhip.com/Booksbydlwhite at 50% off. My Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale ends Dec 2nd at midnight- use code makeitblack at checkout.
Struggle isn't love. At least, that's what a broken Malik Hines told himself when he walked away from the love of his life, just as her career was on the rise. Seeing her in the media stirs up a long harbored desire to reconnect, and Malik takes the biggest chance of his life. Could that door open again?
Hey, Lover is a love story about getting a second chance with your soulmate.
Content Advisories: mentions of cancer, treatment for cancer, depression, faux relationships, infidelity. There is no death in this book.
I showered, moisturized, and slipped into a black, knee-length contrast mesh dress and black matte leather heels. I stopped to admire myself in the full-length mirror in my closet, fingering my short curly cut just so, checking the perfect blush application across razor sharp cheekbones and the deep purple Fenty on my lips.
Undefeated was the name of the shade. And the woman, if I had to say so myself.
The dress was clingy, stretching across my full hips, accentuating all my curves, front, back, side. Steena would be amused. My father would grumble about how CEOs—woman CEOs in particular — should dress. His wife would tap his arm and tell him to hush, that I was an adult, and he couldn’t tell me what to do anymore.
Especially since I wasn’t his employee anymore. That thought made me giggle out loud.
“India Parker. President and Chief Executive Officer,” I recited to myself, as I’d done nearly every time I left my condo. Tonight, it was more for reassurance than being a braggart or to pat myself on the back.
Satisfied, I picked up my clutch and keys and left my condo, riding the elevator back down to my car. I drove the few blocks through traffic to One Atlantic Tower, where several mid-size boutique law firms had established offices.
As an IP attorney, Tony worked with brands to protect their assets and image. One day he could be filing a trademark infringement lawsuit, another day he could be pulling an all-nigher to get a software agreement draft completed. Dating Tony meant there would be days I wouldn’t see him, calls would go unanswered and dates would be canceled.
And that was, honestly, just fine.
The flowers threw me for a loop, though. If Tony was trying to tell me something, I wanted to put everything on the table so I could decide if I wanted to move forward.
Or step back.
I breezed through the doors to the office suite at Strategic IP Law, LLP. The receptionist was gone for the night, but I knew where I was going. I’d spent a lot of time at Tony’s office.
And…on Tony’s desk, after hours. A woman didn’t need to be in love to have an orgasm. Sometimes Tony got the job done.
The door to his office was closed. I heard noises inside, so I tapped lightly.
“Yeah…” I heard, so I pushed the door open. I’d just stick my head in to ask him to take a break so I could head to dinner. When I opened the door, though…
Well, he was in a meeting. Of sorts.
“Oh, yeah… that’s it…yeah…”
A caramel toned woman with bottle blonde curly hair was bent over the desk, legs wide, gripping the edge so hard her knuckles were pale. Her skirt was bunched around her waist. A pile of lace sat in the middle of the desk. He’d either taken them off (he loved ripping off a pair of thongs) or she had presented them to him.
Tony’s hips thrust in a steady rhythm. His pants were down, pooling at his ankles over his shiny Cole Haan shoes. He didn’t even take his boxers off; he pulled them down just far enough. The sounds of sex, tinted by muted grunts and moans, accented by the occasional slap of skin on skin filled the air.
“So I guess you didn’t send me the flowers I got today?” I asked, throwing the door open wide.
Books by DL White are warm romantic fiction that centers Black love. Titles are available in eBook, print* and audio*.
Shop at Booksbydlwhite.com/books OR visit my store at Payhip.com/Booksbydlwhite
*Select titles available in these formats.